Hi my daughter age 21 has been experiencing dizziness which causes upset stomach throwing up etc. This has been going on for about a month now. At first we thought it was the flu, then we thought she was anemic. She went to her doctor was tested for that plus her thyroid. Both were negative. Then a couple of Sunday's ago she was so sick she was dizzy, headache, shaky, rapid heartbeat,so I took her to emerge. She was tested for mono, who sugar levels, had a ECG all negative. They thought she just had viral infection told her to go home rest drink lots of water , eat properly etc. Then I talked to a pharmisict they suggested she may have an ear infection. So back the dr, get antibiotics was on them for four days she just felt worse so stopped taking them. Then someone suggested she go to a chiropractor maybe he could help. She's been to see him twice worked on her back and her neck once, so far. She has seen a slight improvement but still has no appetite and still slight dizziness . We are at our wits end can you help us figure out what else may be going on? Thanks!!