Hi, my name Is Mahrukh Waheed and i am twenty one years old. I had jaundice back then in December, my reports showed that I was hepatitis A positive. While in between, I got myself checked for hepatitis B, C, D and E as well. All of them were negative except for hepatitis B. The hep B surface antigen came positive. The Ulta sound showed I have a mild fatty liver. My recent PCR reports came negative. The doctor whom I am in Consultation with labeled it as chronic hepatitis B. And he's eager to start the treatment. My question is what should i do ? Am I suppose to wait another 6 months and test again for the surface antigen ? Or should I let my doctor start my treatment ?
Result from my reports I had one month ago : Alt levels : 110 and bilirubin 20. My doctor hasn't started my treatment tho, because I am still recovering from hep A and we are not sure which virus is responsible for the elevation in alt levels.