Hi, my question involves the possibility of pregnancy. My last period started November 23, 2015, and ended November 27, 2015. Two days after it ended on November 29th, I had unprotected sex multiple times within about 12 hours; however, we used the "pull-out" method each time. About five days later on December 4, 2015, I experienced about 24 hours of light bleeding. This was lighter than my regular period flow, but I did experience light cramping as well. I use a menstrual calculator app and according to that, my period is 8 days late for the month of December. I have not taken a test yet, but plan to in a few days when I return from vacation with my family. My periods are pretty regular every month, but sometimes are a day or two late; however, it is the spotting that is making me the most nervous. Is it possible that I could have gotten pregnant a few days after my period ended?