Hi there,
I don't know if anyone will be able to help me, but this is an issue that has been going on for a long time, and i thought i could find the issue on my own and fix it, but clearly i cannot. So now i am asking here (Considering my parents wont do believe me etc etc).
So back in elementary school i was GREAT in my classes. A's and B's. If i got a bad mark i could feel my stomach sink to my feet, and i would study for hours on my test. I was even tested for gifted-ness in grade 6. But after grade 6 something weird happened. It didn't come onto me slowly, it hit me like a brick wall. I felt like there was like i really had no emotions. Like... sorry this is hard to explain so ill try my hardest. Its like i have no TRUE emotions. Ever since grade 6 i have absolutely 0 motivation to do anything. Nothing. It seems like priorities don't matter anymore and i don't give a care about them. No matter how serious it is i have 0 motivation to do it. Nothing sinks in anymore. If i fail a test i don't feel anything. If i fail a class i don't feel anything. If someone passes away i don't feel a thing. I used to be so aware of my surroundings. I would go outside and smell the air and ENJOY the day. I was excited for things. I would get excited for the smallest things. I felt joy, Sadness, etc. If i have an exam to study for, and its a big one, I am tired 24/7 and if i wake up in the morning, all it takes is me to close my eyes and i sleep again. It repeats and repeats in the morning. Sometimes i keep falling back asleep i wake up at 4 in the afternoon. But when i do, I still feel tired. I never have motivation and i have feelings towards nothing now. Everything feels so bland.