Hi, this has been bothering me for 2 days now and I just need some answers and maybe an assurance that I'm fine. So my boyfriend and I have had sex almost every night only for these last, say, 5 days. Our intercourse mostly would be unprotected at first but when he's sorta getting there, he'll right away put on a condom. He would always inform me of when he released small amount of precum when we do have sex and is always careful (when unprotected) not to release semen inside since we both know the consequences we'll face if I do get pregnant. And he hasn't cum inside me ever, we make sure of that. But, me, of course I have to list options and I get very anxious easily about the what ifs so I took my first pill after a long long while let's say 3 days at 10pm before this day. After that pill the next morning, the very first pee I took, noticed my urine was a lil red or dark orange. Didn't think much of it yet but it honestly felt sour when I peed. Thought that it's just the effect of having sexual intercourse of course. Then later, I had the urge to pee again and this time it was like I peed half blood half urine. And the blood was like the blood I get when I'm on my period. It was weird because it's not on my undies and it only comes out when I pee. And I peed many times that day and each time it would be really bloody and really painful. But my second to the last pee that day i peed a lil bit of blood alongside a large amount of the normal color of my urine. And the last pee was clear of the blood and clear of the pain. And it didn't happen again. I'm a lil worried if it's an implantation spotting or what. And so, I bought a pregnancy test this day, I know it's a lil early, my result was negative but I will take a PT again after a week just so I can be sure. Can you help me what it is, or if it's just the pill's effects. I'm experiencing a small dosage of cramps and abd pain but not really that painful. Thank you. Would appreciate an immediate response.