Hello! After carefully reviewing your problems, there appear some significant aspects,
1) Family history of deaths of first degree relatives &
2) Constant rise of the blood pressure
3) A continuous, intermittent state of symptoms with tendency to increase during night hours
All these symptoms point towards an intra-cardiac conduction defect like
SVT (Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias) or a congenital prolonged QT interval.
You must have an immediate ECG & consultation with an eminent cardiologist, as all these diseases are very much treatable, especially if SVT, then you will be cured completely with RFCA (Radiofrequency intracardiac
catheter ablation), or if it is found to be a
long QT syndrome, an implant of ICD (Implantable cardioverter defibrillator)
Thanks & take care of yourselves!
Wishing you a speedy recovery.