Hi I am a 53 year old female, who suffers from high blood pressure, and arthritis as well as fybromialgia. I also get severe headaches often and sometimes migraines.
I take medications as prescribed but have twice in the last six month experienced scary symptoms, that doesn't seem to match any of my other problems? Without warning , while just sitting doing my hair or make up
I will be overcome with servers dizziness, profuse sweating, that has an unsual odour, slurred speech, can't think straight, my heart is racing and it seems my head will pop right off... It lasted almost two hours yesterday, and left me completely shaky, exhausted and with a severe migraine ? Today I am still not myself, and my family is convinced I need to go to ER and get checked for a " mini stroke" ? I am 5 ft 1/2 inch and weigh 127 lbs
I did not make much sense to people who spoke with me during this, and although I was aware, I couldn't seem to " find" the words? Today er am just very tired and a little fuzzy ? It has happend at least once before the last six months and I believe once last year
What could it be ? Hypertension, heart problems and blood cloths run in my family - and I am well aware of the dangers this can pose . My doctor is not one that takes notes or an interest in new symptoms, most likely because I am chronically ill, and he has lost interest in me?
Kindly help if you can, it was very very scary
Thank you