For many years doctors knew that a woman's risk of developing
heart disease rises after menopause, but they didn't know why?
But now the reason is known.It has been studied that as women approach menopause, they show a very striking increase in
cholesterol levels, which in turn increases risk for later heart disease.
Similarly excessive alcohol consumption can raise not only cholesterol but also your triglycerides levels.
Similarly excessive alcohol consumption leads to increase of liver enzymes.
If not stopped now,you may develop alcoholic
hepatitis initially and later on irreversible liver
What to do...
Quit alcohol.
Start doing regular exercises.
Shed weight and be in required range of your BMI.
Consume more fresh fruits and green vegetables.
Start taking
super B complex vitamin with 1000 mg of VIT C.
Start statins as per advise of your doctor.
You should be all right in next 6 to 8 months time.