I had high iron of almost 200, muscle pain, horrible joint pain , loss of hair about 30=40%, pain in my hands mostly. went to rheumatologist , then oncologisth. they both ran cbc w/ differential, 30 days between both of these tests. New test (30 days later ) shows my iron dropped to 110, rbc has dropped a little below number, platelets dropping.... here is what it looks like. In 30 day period Nov vs Dec Normal range RBC - decreasing 4.52, 4.14 4.2-5.4 MCV measures size of RBC - increased slightly 97, 97.5 81-99 HCT hematocrit measures rbc in given vol of blood - decreasing 44, 40.4 36-48 PLT Platelets - decreasing 231,000; 200,000 150K-450K MPV measures size of platelets - decreasing 9.1, 8.8 7.7-10.4 HCG hemoglobin - decreasing 14.8, 13.9 12-16 MCH - increasing 32.7. 33.6 27-31 MCHC - increasing 33.9, 34.5 33-37 WBC - decreasing 4.4, 4.7 4.8-10.8 Neutrophil - increasing 63.6, 67% 35-65% Lymphocyte - increasing 27, 28 24-44 Monocyte - decreasing 6.4, 3 4-6 Eosinophil - decreasing 2.7, 2 0-3