Hello, serhatkaramustafa,
Your high liver enzymes and high lipid levels suggest that you have
Fatty liver disease. If you are also
overweight and have diabetes you
may fit the criteria for
metabolic syndrome. Your glucose is 100 mg/dl ,
and I am assuming that this was a fasting level. You also need to get
HbA1C levels checked to make sure that you are not a diabetic or
a pre-diabetic. You need to get a sonogram of the liver to find out
what grade of fatty liver you have. Obviously , you want to rule out
Hepatitis B and C by blood tests.
If fattyliver is confirmed , you need treatment to lower your lipids,
stay off fatty ,greasy and fried foods. Eat a good high protein diet.
Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Take Vitamin-E 800 i.u. daily
along with Vit-C 1000 mg/daily. Also a good B-Complex supplement.
Avoid alcohol and any medications that can affect your liver.
Try to acheive ideal body weight by diet and excercises.
Fatty liver is reversible if treated early before it turns to
I wish you the very best.