I am a 50yr old female and I have hypothyroid, breast cancer , and fibro just to name a few. I had a bilateral mastectomy 6/23, and removal of my gallbladder at the same time. My surgeon ordered cbc w/dif and these were the abnormalities: platelets 665, alk phos. 195, rbc 3.57, hemo 11.0, hematocrit 34.2, mpv 5.8, lymph 19,mono 11, and EO 7. I am wondering if this could be a bone marrow problem, or something else. I know it points to anemia but Im just wondering if something is going on with my bone marrow. Your thoughts?? I don t believe I have any vitamin deficincies, but with high alk phos, platelets and low rbc, Im inclind to go the bone marrow route. Thanks!