There is nothing unusual in it.
In healthy, nondiabetic subjects, 2-h postprandial blood
glucose levels are usually 140 mg/dl. Glucose levels peak at one hour after the start of the meal and then return to preprandial levels within 2–3 hours.
This rise and fall of postprandial glucose levels is due to the first-phase
insulin response, in which large amounts of endogenous insulin are released, usually within 10 min, in response to the food intake.. In individuals with type 2
diabetes, the first-phase insulin response is severely diminished or absent, resulting in persistently elevated of postprandial glucose throughout the day.
You must
consult a diabetologist and get yourself investigated thoroughly.
Distinction should also be made to see whether it is diabetes type 1 or type 2,by getting C - PEPTIDE estimation done.The treatment is different in both types of diabetes.
Take proper dietary precautions,reduce your weight and regular medicines as advised by your doctor.
Make sure to control your blood sugar levels meticulously to avoid future micro as well as macro vascular complications.