Krill oil contains many powerful
omega-3 fatty acids and nutrients,
vitamins, phospholipids, flavonoids, etc. which make it an oil with therapeutic properties effective in treating
hyperlipidemia, joint pain. The oil combines omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipids and antioxidants, three important substances for your condition. .
Krill Oil Versus Fish Oil
Out of krill oils available in the market, Antarctic krill oil is more stable and more resistant than conventional fish oil, which means it lasts longer and does not oxidize in the body. Duration is 2 years out of the refrigerator and 4 years inside the refrigerator. Krill oil does not leave a fishy taste like common fish oil and there is no esophageal reflux that occurs with consuming krill oil softgels, krill oil capsules, or krill oil caplets. For availability you check sites like eBay and Amazon.ak
Your doctor must be interested in knowing different components of
lipid profile like
LDL, Apolipoproteins,
HDL etc. He may advise you to take niacin group of medicines which are more effective and exact amount of exercise (and not forgetting diet) you ought to undertake. Idea is not to treat mathematical value of a component but to prevent your heart from its potential harm to your Heart. I hope I have answered your question.
Dr Anil Grover Cardiologist