Hello, my name is Jillian. I have had colitis since I was seventeen, I m now 25. I had a bag placed on me about 4 years ago and there havent been many problems except constant UTI s. However this past summer I went anemic and was hospitalized and they couldnt figure out where I was bleeding from, but I stabilized and was released. The past two weeks I have noticed orange blood coming out of my rear (it sometimes still excretes blood/ mucus ) and also when I change my bag, the site around it bleeds sometimes from the irritation of the wafer and there s some blood, that blood was also light orange. I m very run down and tired, I don t feel myself. I usually have abdominal discomfort I m use to but it s gotten a lot more sharp and its actually in an upper region which is unusual. My primary told me to contact my GI, but he hasn t gotten back to me yet and it usually takes awhile due to the fact they have a lot of patients. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you for your time.