I am a double TBI survivor from 15 years ago. I am noticing a change in my body and the reactions / symptoms that I am having that I have never experienced before. I also am experiencing the post accident injuries getting worse quickly.
No one seems to know what is wrong with me.
Below is a list of the symptoms that I have had in the past 9 months:
Migraines are more intense and persistent and the length of time of the episodes are increasing.
smells and tastes that are not things that are currently in front of me.
the tastes dont go away with brushing my teeth, eating or drinking
I slept most of November and December away and have no recollection of the majority of conversations that I had with my fiance, even though he says I had sound cognitive conversations with him.
My limbs, mostly my legs, feel as though they are not apart of my body. Kind of feels like Gumby would I guess.
I run into walls and doors due to inbalances, I fall side to side and backwards, but never frontwards. This can happen multiple times per day.
My body reacts like I have a fever but when I take my temperature it always reads normal.
my wbc in november was 13,000 and in February after being admitted to the hospital I was elevated to 20,000 and in 8hrs elevated to 35,000
It is quite difficult to walk sometimes I feel somewhat paralysed if there is such a thing.
I also feel as tho I am trying to drink my tongue, my mouth is always dry. I can never seem to drink enough.
I am, for the most part, normal when it comes to blood sugar around 120-130
I also sometimes dont realize I have to use the restroom until its almost too late.
(happening since november)
and my memory is deteriorating
please help