In 2007, I had prolapse repair surgery through the vagina using mesh and bladder sling. It lasted 6 months. In addition, the surgeon cut my ureter and fortunately a urosurgeon was called in and it was successfully repaired. For several years I was able to manage the prolapse with exercise and estrogen , but last year I signed up for a yoga class and the prolapse .returned. I talked to a urosurgeon at Mayo s in Scottsdale, and he recommended robotic surgery and using mesh more extensively. My original experience was very unpleasant and it was a year before I was close to normal. I have also read about the negative side effects of mesh, and I am very nervous about surgery using mesh and the robotic surgery. John Hopkins recently had a report out on robotic surgery and it was not very supportive of it s use. Is there some where I can get the full report on how successful these robotic surgeries are?: What are my alternatives? Thank you.