My identical twin sister had to go through quintuple by-pass surgery nearly five years ago. She had a complete physical exam including a stress test one month before she suffered a "mild" heart attack. She had no heart damage, but had to go through extensive by-pass surgery as stated above. I am looking for an excellent cardiologist and surgeon in case I am looking for the same procedure in my lifetime. i'd like to establish a rapor with the best possible cardiologist, even if I have to travel to Johns Hopkins Hospital. I am 66 years old, female, recently widowed after being my husband's care-taker for CBD for the past 8 years. His Neurologist was a fantastic doctor at John's Hopkins, and she was most impressive with excellent availability and empathy to our cause. My husband had a Phd. in Biomedical Engineering, and was a Flight Director for Nasa Shuttle Program. Do you have an excellent Cardiologist in mind, or do you have any recommendations on how I might be able to locate one on line? I now live in northern Virginia, and my hospital preference would be: Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD, or Inova Fairfax Hospital. Both, I believe, are highly ranked for cardiology care.