My gf has asked me to contact u,she hit her head hard while getting into a taxi,she staggered a bit,everything went black and she was disoriented for a minute of two. She continued abt her day biut didn t really feel herself. She has been sleeping on and off quite a bit today,she doesn t have much energy,she has had previous head injuries dating back to 1988 when she was in a car crash and a few yrs ago was hit over the head with a gun and in september she had whiplash from an accident where a car hit the car she was in from behind. Should she be concerned? Is feeling tired normal? She has checked her own pupils,they r responding to dark and light and don t seem to be dilated in permanently as with concussion but she does feel tired and has no headaches but can feel her head is fragile. She can t afford pvt care and knows from past experience when she goes to public care they check her pulse , bp ,pupils and reflexes and they make her push her hands and feet against a drs hand,she has done all that herself,just not the reflexes. They don t ever admit someone until they collapse so no point in even going and getting checked what we can check at home. What is ur advice? Is feeling tired normal and should she just get bed rest and eat healthily. We know the warning signs like vomiting , blurred vision ,confusion etc,none of that is happening altho she does say she doesn t feel completely alert. last thing,y texting and being on the the internet on the phone is not a good idea for head injuries?