Hospitalized for acute UTI on 9/15. Antibiotics given IV. .Developed very loose stool and diarrhea as well as pneumonia in right middle lobe of lung (infections confirmed by stool sample and chest x-rays). Nasal infection was a third infection to be treated. For rheumatoid arthritis I inject Cimzia every two weeks and take Methatrexate. These medications had to be stopped to clear up the infections. I was released from the hospital after 7 days. I have not had a normal stool since. Also, my bowel movements have NO odor. I am a 68 year-old retired coach and principle and have been diagnosed with RA, neuropathy, diabetes, atrial fib and flutter. I have had 2 stents and 2 months ago, a double heart ablation. My concern is that I still have a very loose stool and there is no odor, Is this normal?