I took my 18 year old grandson to the ER last night because he was light-headed, heavy legs (like all the blood has gone to my lower legs) , wobbly walking (fell twice), short of breath, irregular heartbeat, sore throat, and vomited once. At the ER, they found a fever of 101.2, which in about an hour rose to 102. He was rapid-tested for flu and strep, and had a chest X-ray - all showed nothing. The doctor assumed it was a flu-like illness and suggested tylenol, sudafed and motrin and rest for 3-4 days. Other than the chest X-ray, there was nothing to examine heart or leg problems. Could this be something more serious that was overlooked because we are seeing a spike in flu/respiratory illness? I m wondering more about the light-headedness/leg issues. Your thoughts?