Hi, I have GERD & sometimes will belch & it is like rotten eggs (sulfur) I also get pain in left upper quadrant. Will sometimes vomit and I usually feel better. However 3 weeks ago I had same symptoms for 2 - 3 days no vomiting. All of a sudden in the night I vomited projectile and was unable to control a bout of diarrhea in my bed, still did not feel better. Spent 3 days in bed exhausted and week. I thought I must have flu. 4th day better but not 100%. 4 days later same problem, I did not lose control of bowels but was sick, had pain in stomach was weak & could not eat. It lasted 4 days. Thursday last week felt recovered enough to continue normal activities & have been fine until today when about 2 hours ago started feeling nauseous, return of sulfur and mild discomfort in upper left quadrant. Have had Gastroscopy 2 months ago & am scheduled for 24 hr PH study. I am very concerned as I cannot eat properly. I have cut down on black tea, have not had coffee and trying to eat a balanced diet. Can you give me any advise, my doctor is on vacation?