Ok. I was told about 6 - 7 years ago that I had Graves disease (thyroid). I was placed on Methomazole for all this time. I started with 10 mg of the pill. It has been monitor by my endocrinologist all this time. During this time he would reduce the amount of pill to 1/2 pill, etc. My thyroid, according to my doctor had been normal for a while so in April of this year/2017, he told me to discontinue the thyroid meds/Methomazole. I continued to take the Methomazole for another two weeks in April because I was afraid to stop taking it for fear the Graves disease might return. I stop taking the meds on April 15, 2017. I will continue to see my endocrinologist every 3 months as I have been doing over the years. My endocrinologist had advice me not to eat - shell seafood, and to eat regular fish in moderation. I am still concerned about my thyroid. I was told years ago that once you start taking the thyroid meds, the thyroid never goes back to normal and this is why I think the graves disease might come back even though it seems to be in okay now. Any suggestions, information?