Dear patient,
I totally understand your frustration and how this is affecting your personal life.
HSV 1 and/or 2 infection the following points should be taken into consideration in order to understand the situation better.
1- In case someone got infected by HSV 1 and or 2 then the virus will be always present in the body but wouldnt cause a reccurence unless there are certain circumstances like
stress, sun exposure, other infection, immunosupression ... So if your partner has been exposed to the virus meaning he has the virus but the virus is not replicating (sleeping mode).
2- Reccurence means that the virus that was sleeping is now replicating and this will cause symptoms (vesicular lesions with an erythematous base : blisters with
redness of the skin) and pain. Any patient who has been previously exposed to the virus can have a reccurence.
3- The way to know if someone has been exposed to the virus is by doing
IgG and IgM against HSV 1 and 2. if they are positive it means that this person has the virus. However to detect if certain genital or oral lesions are due to HSV (meaning reccurence) then a testing of the blisters (tzank smear and culture) or a PCR from a swab from these blisters can give you the answer.
4- there is no cure for HSV, however in case of reccurence the treatment will be
acyclovir 400 mg three times daily for 10 days.
I recommend that both of you to do the labs mentionned above and hence know your status before taking rapid decisions.
Best regards