Hello, about the end of May, I ended up getting strep, after that my throat continued to hurt, and it would actually start to cut off my breathing. It felt like my left side would swell to my right side, and sometimes would radiate up to my ear. I went and saw my primary care doctor about this, and he told me my thyroid was extremely enlarged. However, he did not treat me for anything due to being on a thyroid supplement. He wanted me to stop that for 2 months to see what happened. My thyroid has continued to do this periodically, and i have gained 23 pounds in a little under a month. I am scheduled to go back and see my doctor, but I am considering going ahead and scheduling with an ENT or an endocrinologist as well, especially since it can take a while to get into them. I have told my doctor for a few years that I think I had a thyroid problem (due to many symptoms) and he did not listen because he doesn t run in my family (my brother actually has severe thyroid issues). I am trying to figure out which dr would be more appropriate for me. I saw he treated me for Hashimoto Thyroiditis, or something like that. Thanks in advance.