I am the mother of three sons. My oldest is 38 and has Tourette Syndrome (as do I) He functions fairly well and is married with a family. My middle son is 36 and he is the one I am concerned about. From childhood, he has always seemed to be uncomfortable hugging and such. He was always kind of unco-ordinated and socially awkward. His interests revolved around swords, wizards, knives, computers and science. Those are still the things he talks about. He acts like he feels uncomfortable even around family and he has few friends. He has no concerns about taking care of himself or his appearance. Though he does have a son and he works, he doesn t seem to have the ability to take care of things he should be. He can t plan ahead. He takes things very literal and has trouble following simple requests. He is extremely intelligent, but had difficulty in school (he says he was bored) I worry because he is incapable to taking care of himself. He has had girlfriends, but they break up with him because emotionally unavailable and can t take care of them, let alone himself. When he was young I was told he had ADD. I have a strong feeling it s Asperger s. Where would we go (what type of doctor) for answers? Thank you, Judy