i had a frenuloplasty 3 weeks back, for the first week after surgery, the doctor did the dressing and the foreskin was kept rolled back, on the 8th day after surgery he removed the dressing and told me to leave the surgical area open, but because i had trimmed the hair on my testicles, it was impossible to keep the wound open, so i kept a loose dressing and cleaned the wound for 3 days with savlon and water mixed, on the 11th day i went to the doctor only to be informed that the inside of the foreskin had swollen and doc said that it was due to savlon and removed the water or the puss whatever it was with injection, everything else has been ok till now, yesterday he rolled my foreskin back to normal which was not easy as it seemed that the foreskin had been glued, now its been 48 hours since my foreskin has been rolled back but i cannot pull back the foreskin easily as the starting the of the foreskin hurts a little bit when i roll it back, i am concerned because i want to clean the area and the wound, what should i do?