I got into an argument with some gay guy after my friend left us alone to go get me a salad at the restaurant next door. Anyways , it was explained to me that he sometimes drops by to do chores around the house. It wasn t until my friend was gone that this guy started to try and get me to leave. I didn t yell, but I replied to him It doesn t matter how many favors you ll do for him, he still won t sleep with you. He s straight-up using you ... Then.. [] Wearing Steel toe boots. [] He asked me to have the door open, He was leaving. [] He kicked me in the calve and ran away. [] It didn t really hurt at the time, I shrugged it off. [] My friend came back and I was play fighting with him, it wasn t until then that it started to hurt. [] I put ice on it for a brief moment then and again when I arrived home. [] The following day , my whole calf was yellow and blue. [] About a week in, it was black and blue. [] The bruise started to go away. [] It wasn t until the bruise was gone, that I noticed this goose egg getting bigger. [] I knocked my calve into a table and now its much worst. [] It wont go down , the bruise is gone, the pain remains. The goose egg got bigger.