Hello and welcome to HCM.
I understand your concern but one thing I can assure you is you need not worry.Sorry to know about your sibling.
The bruise on your leg is the cause of the burning sensation you get while wearing swimming suit.I recommend-
Give rest to the part and use compression bandage (don't apply too tight)
Keep on with applying ice compresses over bruised area for 20 min for 3 - 4 times in a day.
You can have anti inflammatory medicines like
ibuprofen or
naproxen twice per oral for 3 days.(to be taken on physician's prescription)
As you have mentioned you have gross
weight loss recently,I would recommend you to do certain bloodtests like basic haemogram,blood
glucose. May I know if you have any history of fever or any other health complaint present?
You seem to go through a lot of emotional stress now.It is very necessary to take the prescribed anti hypertensive medications on time and do regular follow ups with your treating doctor.Engage yourself in some distressing activities like yoga,
meditation.Eat balanced diet while avoiding salty and processed food.Take a brisk 30 minute walk atleast 4-5 times in a week.
Hope this helps.
Thanks and regards.