Have had painful gas, abfominal cramps,(wake me ip at night) diarrhorea, bloating, belching since travelling for 6 days& eating out. Made Changes my diet to ONLY plain greek yoghurt & simple carbs only (banana, mashed potato. Saltines, clear fluids. Etc. no caffeine, fruit, vegs, processed food, dairy etc) am reading ip on flatulence, diverticulitis but needing non Dr.office, home remedies as have no health care cover out of state. Help! A. Taking a daily broad spectrum probiotic but discontinued the 20 daily Functional/integrated medical Dr. Prescribed supplements (vits mostly) what to do next? Am 70, just arrived for holiday in AZ must get better soon, cant exercise as feel lousy. Am usually a high fibre eater, exercise daily, in great health ...