Welcome to healthcare magic.
As per your complain you have problem of abdominal bloting problem because of
hiatus hernia.
In your case try to minimise gastroesophageal reflux by modifications of your diet and lifestyle.
Following suggestion is helpful to you...
Avoid citrus foods, spicy food ,too much fatty food, coffee ,pastries etc...
Drink a more water and avoid junk food.
Eat a small amount of meal and chew properly.
Seating at low chair.
Reduce your weight if you are
Avoid immeadiate lying down after meal.
Avoid large meal.
No food or drink for three to four hour before bed time.
Elevate your heal by two cushion at night time.
If more acidity problem occurs than
antacid can use for it.
Consult a gastroenterologist for further treatment.
I hope my guidance helpful to you..
Get well soon.
Thank you.
Dr Rachana.