I am diabetic for 40 years but is well controlled with low doses of Human Mixtard Insulin, HBA1C is never more than 6. There are no complications like retinopathy, nephropathy, hypertension or CHD. Of course, I suffer from autonomic neuropathy manifesting as disturbed, constipation, mood fluctuations, at times depression but I able to manage them without medication except that I have to take Lactulose for my constipation and 0.25 mg of Alprax at bed time for good sleep. For the last nearly sex months i have developed distension and pain in abdomen, swelling over my ankles, headache off and on and generalized weakness. Colonoscopy, CT Enterography, U/S Abdomen, MRI brain, hormonal profile, also the Haemopoitin is with in normal limits. The entire blood picture is normal including the levels of B12, Folic acid, Iron, Calcium etc. But, that I have developed Anaemia (Hb. 11 Gm%), the total RBC count and PCV is also below normal. My diet is healthy and balanced and there is seems no nutritional cause for Anamia. Gastroenterologists say it is IBS and they have prescribed drugs to tone the motility of my gut, without any relief. I am concerned because of Anaemia, oedema over the feet, Abdominal distension and pain and growing weakness. Could you kindly advise me what should be the further line of action.