dear user
for treatment of this heart burn you feel i would like to tell you that these symptoms you mentioned refer mainly to have gastroesophageal reflux that lead to burning pain you feel in stomach...............
gastroesophageal reflux you have you should know that heavy meals or fatty food always cause these symptoms as there is maldigestion of heavy meals leads to increase
gastric acid and heart burn sensation ....
about treatment of that you should avoid
stress and
anxiety as it increase the gastric acidity....... ...
heavy meals or spicy food that may get your symptoms worse ........
you can take rantidine as it has effect antagonist to gastric acid and also you can take omebrazole which decrease synthesis of gastric acid .......
also avoid drinking very hot drinks that increase corrosive effect of your stomach .......
you sould do helicopacter pylori
antibodies test as this bacteria may cause that and need triple therapy
if symptoms persist refer to internal medicine specialist for examination and requiring investigations
smoking and fatty foods and coffee drinking and tea drinking has main role in gastric burn you feel.....
wish you healthy life