Thanks for contacting with your health concern.
1. In best interest, visit a
Dermatologist for expert opinion and examination [who might prescribe a medicated ointment] and also make sure to check up with A Gynecologist regarding any internal, hormonal or medical condition.
black scars could be blackheads or post-inflammatory
hyperpigmentation scars, so consult with a Dermatologist, who may prescribe you some
keratolytic cream containing skin lightening agents, also protect your skin by using a good sunscreen with minimum SPF 15 to prevent sun-induced darkening.
3. Scar once formed cannot disappear from the body, but can be minimized, moreover, no topical preparation or cream is/are going to possibly help you, what maximum can be done is the use of
Vitamin E & moisturizing cream gives a good response.
4. I at most can provide you with the preventive aspect of acne scars:
- wash the face 4-5 times with johnson baby soap [very good for oily skin] or with Besan and warm water [as it is the best natural Bleaching Agent]
- since your skin is oily go for fomentation on the face by using water vapor first and then apply a medicated paste of Rakta Chandana Churnam, Haridra Churnam, Honey, and Milk, Apply it as a face pack, you will see good improvement, or you may ask for Prescription cream like MINISCAR and/or PIGMENTO [Charak Pharma]
- Use of
vitamin A, B, E, and Zinc can improve your acne drastically.
- take food with low
glycemic index.
- apply grated potatoes [ as poultice] to treat black scars
- Don’t allow to dehydrate yourself, thus avoid alcohol and caffeine-containing beverages.
PS. because Skin & Nervous system has a common Embryological origin (thus acting as an initiating or aggravating factor), thus take a Medhya drug or a mild tranquilizer.