I have been told I have mold, dust, and dust mite allergies. My ears itch inside so bad, it s causing me to wake up at night and itch till they bleed, and during the day working as well. I ve been to my family doctor, dermatologist, and most recent allergist. The allergist told me to use anti-itch eye drops so it won t plug my ear canal, as I have very small ear openings and they plug easily. It s not just my ears, but my scalp at the hairline is red and itchs when I get too hot. At first I thought I was allergic to hair dye, but I ve switch to shampoos and body wash that is perfume/dye free, sulfate free, etc. I now have air purifier s running in my home and office to help with allergies, but am so uncomfortable with ear/scalp itching, it s almost unbearable. Would there be any other solutions or causes you can think of?