Hello good morning. Few months ago I was prescribed Epiduo by my dermatologist. My face was clearing up quite fine until I did something dreadful. I used more than a pea size amount on my face one night and saw no problem, so i continued. Few days later, my face was itchy, dry, flaky, looked like I had hives or some rash and would burn no matter what I use. Th e only thing that I could use that wouldn't burn at the time was a face oil.
That was in May/June. Now it's August and i tried using a dot on a recent pimple and the following morning I saw few clusters of bumps like rashes, which I would presume would be because of the Epiduo.
My question is why did my face react the way it did? How long should I wait before I can start using back Epiduo again?
P.S. Unfortunately I do not have the funds to return to the dermatologist.