so I see that I have a very clear and visible Abscess on my lower back right in-between (mind my french) my left and right cheek and above the crack; ive had this Abscess appear about 5 times in my life starting about two years ago. every time it appears I wait for it to fill, pop, and drain it. during the time its filling I have an unbearable ache and cant sit or lay, sleeping on my side; even walking hurts. after about the second time it reappeared I consulted a peer and he resulted having a similar Abscess before saying its happened to him twice, but I m going on my sixth time in two years (6th being today). ive mentioned pain, this pain leave me house ridden during the time its filling for about 2 or 3 weeks, at least when I have the luxury of no school. my real question is should I get this looked at by a professional or continue to pop and drain the Abscess; that being there s nothing that can be done for it.