Thanks for contacting with your health concern
Anal fistula means there is an open track [which is communicating from exterior to interior], as a result healing won't be there despite any conservative line of treatment.
PS. the reason of coming back and discharge
2. If surgical intervention is not done it will/may lead to multiple openings [fistula tracks], so consult and get examined by a surgeon [proctologist] or Kshar sutra specialist who is in better position to explain the prognosis be in his regular guidance, till then
i. take fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid milk and milk products in the diet, an excess of tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol and carbonated beverages.
ii. eat slowly, avoid haste-irregular eating and sweet/heavy food which are difficult to digest and cause
iii. take less of strong spices (ginger, garlic), oily-fried-fatty food and flatus producing foods (peas, beans, dals)
iv. take old rice, bottle gourd, moong dal, kali marich, pomegranate, Jaipal, hot water, adequate rest and sleep.
PS. Trifla because of its high nutritional-
detoxification [Shodhan] and cleansing value is very helpful: take 3 gm with lukewarm water at bedtime