I was in a motorcycle accident almost a month ago. I had bleeding abraision on my elbows, nose, left hip and shoulders. All of them had scabbed up, lost the scab and were healing like normal. Then starting yesterday afternoon, one of the abraisons started swelling a little bit. Well, by this evening a small 3/4 by 1/4 blister appeared. It wasn t painfull like one, but it looked like blister you get from touching a hot stove. I thought it might be staph and didn t want to take any chances. When I was preparing to go to local Urgent Care , the elbow hit a doorway. The blister burst and blood and some clear sterted runnig down my arm. I soaked it up and went to the Urgent Care anddd it was closed until 9:00 AM tomorrow. I don t know if I should some Hydrogen Peroxcide on it and then bandage it with some Neosporim and go back in the morning ??