Hello I ve been having issues with anxiety and some panic attacks. My current psychiatrist and I have tried a lot of medications. So far I ve tried buspar (currently on it), neurontin, propranolol, Zoloft, lexapro, Paxil, clonidine, Prozac, hydroxyzine, celexa, klonopin, and Xanax. My doctor wants to try abilify next but what would happen if that doesn t work? Xanax and klonopin are the only things that really help and work but she doesn t want to prescribe them to me again because of the high addiction rate it has, however I don t feel like I was getting hook as I only took them as need some days I wouldn t need to take them. Also the therapist I m working with thinks I may have A.D.D. And I took a questionare she printed out. I asked my psychiatrist about it and she said that it s hard to tell which one is which because the symptoms are very similar so we should work on anxiety first but ever since my therapist brought up that I may have A.D.D. I ve noticed things about myself I haven t noticed before and noticed that I ve always had symptoms of A.D.D. I don t know what to do because I ve been with this psychiatrist and therapist for over a year now and has even taken drug tests every 3 months but I don t take any illegal drugs so I don t worry about that. There are times when I try to focus on what someone is telling me but I can t and it bothers me at work since I need to be focused and be able to listen. Any ideas on what I should do? I m scared if the medication doesn t work will she give me a high dose of antipsychotics or will I be labeled as something way worse since nothing has worked. I feel like we ve tried everything. Even natural remedies and I have been having trouble sleeping ever since I can remember.