Goodmorning Doctor, I am from India, Age 34, Male. I had full body massage a month ago. The massage was given by a male. This session lasted for an hour. During the entire session, he was FULLY clothed. He massage my penis. (I did not ejaculate but was erect). He used his hands only. However I am not aware of any cuts or wounds on his hands. We did NOT have oral/anal sex. Apart from this I did not have sex with anyone nor I do drugs. Last week I suffered diarrehea. Doctor prescribed me probiotics and prebiotics and now I am feeling very tired. Am I at the risk of HIV? Are these symptoms of HIV. Do I need any Tests? Is there any risk of having sex with my wife? (I don t want to pass on the infection, if I have the possibility to catch from above incidence.Please help. I regret the act.