« Go Back 197 Doctors Online Proceed » Ask a doctor online Click on in your keypad to dictate the question Hello Dr. My son is 16yr.old.He is suffering from bipolar disorder from last 4yrs. I was giving him allopathy medicine. But don t get much results but when I start diet restrictions like no sugar, no allopathy medicine. But don t get much results but when I start diet restrictions like no sugar, no maida, no milk, no oily food and lots of fruits and vegetables and meditations then I got maida, no milk, no oily food and lots of fruits and vegetables and meditations then I got improvements . after some time I noticed he behave normal without medicine. So we went to improvements . after some time I noticed he behave normal without medicine. So we went to Dr. Dr. and he decided to. reduce 1tablet out of 3.after 3days my son started headache so we went and he decided to. reduce 1tablet out of 3.after 3days my son started headache so we went to to dr.and he add 1new medicine next day he start abnormal behavior laying and dancing etc. dr.and he add 1new medicine next day he start abnormal behavior laying and dancing etc. then to then to remove the effect dr. increases does of another medicine and result is total chemical remove the effect dr. increases does of another medicine and result is total chemical imbalance and imbalance and it takes us 4yrs back situation. My son s mania increased 100 times. and I it takes us 4yrs back situation. My son s mania increased 100 times. and I throw all allopathy throw all allopathy drugs. Right now I am giving him medhavati with saraswatarishta but as soon as saraswatarishta is given his mania increases One thing I want to mention is we did my ASK A DOCTOR » son s blood test for valproic acid medicine given by Dr. and he is having deficiency of it and l also search that it is found in ayurvedic herb Tagar. But l don t know it s doses. Please help me. Give me complete treatment plan.