Hello, Think I need to see some type of specialty doctor but not sure what kind. My primary doctor doesn t think I need one, but I ve had an issue for about 3 years. I blacked out a few years ago on the street and had a small lash on the bottom of my head which needed about 5 or 6 stiches I think. They did an cat scan and said all was normal. Throught these years and lately I have had what I think are emotional and psychological and physical issues like: 1) Feeling imbalance alot especially around busy areas like casinos, malls, etc 2) Feeling intense that I might fall if I don t hold on or touch something that can hold me up like a wall 3) More frequent headaches than before 4) Insomnia (but always had that problem) 5) Anxiety Have an appointment with primary again tomorrow hoping she ll give me a referral to some type of Doctor whether a Psychiarist, or maybe an ENT to check for ear imbalance . She doesn t think I need an MRI