C A S E S U M M E R Y Miss Trupti Kawlae, F/13 years was admitted in Life Line Hospital at Nashik on dated 05/03/2003 due to Head Injury. On admission, patient was unconcious with unequal pupils Rt Lt C (4) decrebrations and NO H/O, convulsions, vomitting, ENT bleed. CT Head showed (Dt.5/3/2003) (1) Small haemorrhages on left deep parietal, corpus callosum, Right Basol ganglia & ventricles. (2) Mild subarachnoid blood & cereral Edema. Patient had respiratory distress –chynes – strokes respectively Patient treated accordingly. *Tracheostromy done on 05/03/2003. • Taken on Ventilator support from 06/03/2003 to 09/03/2003. • Tracheostromy closure on 01/04/2003. • Received 2 (.) BT (b-VE) (3) CT Head showed (Date : 16/03/2003) 1) Resolving right temporo parietal contusion with increased Edema. 2) Resolving Left parietal contusion and Intraventricular Blood. (4) C.T. Head showed (Date 17/04/2003) 1) Mild communicating hydrocephalus. 2) A small resolving right basal ganglia haematoma S/o encephalomalacic changes. 3) Right fronto parietal thin subdural hygroma. *Hyperbaric Oxygen Theory (HBOT) given for a week (From 19/04/2003 to 25/04/2003) (5) C.T.Head showed (Date 14/11/2003) (1) Area of gliosis right Ganglionic Region. (2) Suspicious left temporo – Parietal Infarct. Present Status :- (1) Patient haemodynamically stable (bed ridden) (2) BP/Intake/Output maintained. (3) Concious/obey`s simple commands (4) Moving all fan limbs (5) Right sided extrimities spasticity and fixed deformation. Request :_ Requested for extending the co-operation/help & treatment to brain due to Head Injury. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, ( U. M. KAWALE