You are describing what has a high probability of being a
Transient Ischemic Attack or TIA= in lay terminology, "ministroke." The typical duration of such an attack is under an hour. However, if this just happened now then, the chance of his suffering a stroke in the next 7-30 days is significantly higher than the normal population. Therefore, I would not delay in taking him to a hospital (preferably one with a program of Stroke Excellence such as a teaching center or academic institution) and explaining the situation. They can then, check him over (even if he's back to normal) and make sure he doesn't require something immediately done or even an overnight stay for a more indepth workup this week and consultation with a
I'm afraid if you go to a standard community hospital they are likely to do a few tests and then, if he's neurologically back to complete normal they will discharge him and tell you to follow up with a neurologist but that is not how you want this handled. Good luck at finding an appropriate place to take your dad for a workup tonight (well, it's night time here).
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