Hi, I am a 59yo male. I have been taking meloxicam for about a year and a half and it helps tremendously with my chronic ankylosing spondylitis (AS fused vertebrae) in my spine. A double bonus is that it helps with my BPH (inflammation in my prostate) and I urinate easier at night. I had a TURP procedure on my prostate a year and five months ago and never was able to urinate afterwards like I hoped I would be able to, so the meloxicam seems to help in that area. However, several months ago blood started appearing when urinating, (every time) somethings rather badly, and I even passed clots. Since meloxicam is as NSAID, I figured it was causing too much blood thinning in an already overly inflamed prostate, so I quit taking it and within a day or two the blood cleared up my urine was clear for the month I wan t taking it. I have to tell you though, my back pain was almost unbearable, my elbow ached, and joints in my hands hurt so bad I could hardly use them. And every night at the toilet was a real challenge to get my urine to flow. At the end of the month, I started back on meloxicam and all my ailments improved, but the blood came back immediately so I m not taking it any more. I was taking 7.5mg in the a.m. and 7.5mg in the p.m. So I switched to 3 ea. 325mg aspirin and 2 ea. 500mg Tylenol in the a.m. , 2 ea 325 mg aspiring and 1 ea. 500 mg Tylenol at lunch, and at night a couple hours before I go to bed I take 3 ea. 325mg aspirin and 2 ea. 500mg Tylenol. This works so much better on the pain than meloxicam ever did, I can urinate much better at night and sleep 5 to 6 hours before having to get up to pee (on meloxicam I m up every 2 to 2 1/2 hours). There is still blood at times in my urine, but never like it was on meloxicam. What are your thought on this? Am I taking too much aspirin and Tylenol together? I m a big guy... 6 3 and weigh 240 lbs. Very active, no sugar, and good BP.