constipation, you should eat high fibre diet like fruits apple, banana, oranges, green leafy vegetables like spinach, raw cucumber. Avoid smoking, refined food, fatty and oily food. You should have plenty of fluids and regular exercises. Have syrup
lactulose 15 ml if not then 30 ml bedtime to maintain your stool soft
acid reflux, you should avoid fatty, oily and spicy diet. Have some walk after having food instead of taking rest. Have multiple small meals instead of heavy meals. Have regular sleep habits and avoid stress. Lots of green leafy vegetables, fruits. Avoid smoking and alcohol if any.
You can get prescribed tab Pan DSR 40 mg or esomiprazole
domperidone combination beforebreakfast once a day for 2 weeks. If not adequately relieved, then you should add Syr sucral O or
gelusil two teaspoon three times a day for a week.
Hope this helps you and get back if you have any doubts.