Hi there, my 10yr old son has battled with severe constipation issues, ever since he was only 6mo old. He has been in the hospital on several diff occasions now, and all they ever do for him, is clean him out with golytely, and then send him home on multiple diff kinds of laxatives, and the laxatives just PLAIN DONT WORK FOR HIM, AND HAVENT FOR A VERY LONG TIME NOW!! In Sept, he was sent home from the hospital on 3 capfuls of miralax twice daily, 30ml of lactulose twice daily, 2 dulcolax laxatives at bedtime, and 2 senna tabs at supper time, yet he STILL filled up with stool, and again, just got out of the hospital after a 5 day stay!! Anyways, after the Sept stay, he started passing blood, whenever he would try to have a bm, and it went on for about 2wks or so. And when i took him to a diff hospital this time, i was told by the dr who admitted him in the ER, that the amt of golytely he was given the last time, which was 4 GALLONS over 36 HOURS, prob caused some havoc on his intestinal tract, and caused the bleeding. However, after this stay, i told the GI dr that those other laxatives just are NOT working for him, so he asked me what did work, and i told him that the ONLY thing that seems to get him to have a bm, is the golytely, which im pretty sure isnt good to take long term!! Well, this dr went and prescribed him to drink 2 16oz glasses of the stuff daily, and told me that it wont hurt him at all!! However, i was doing a bit of research on the stuff, and i read that long term use of it, has been know to cause kidney failure!! Is this true?? Also, i read that miralax was never meant to be a drug taken long term, and the FDA has never even approved it for children to take, and its supposed to be used for adults, for occasional constipation, and its to be taken for NO MORE than 2-7days at a time?? Is this also true?? Cause my son has been taking the stuff for 10 YEARS NOW!! I just WISH that i could find a dr, who would be willing to actually FIGURE OUT THE CAUSE, OF WHY HE CANT POOP, AND THEN FIX IT FOR HIM, cause he has STRUGGLED SO MUCH WITH THIS, FOR BASICALLY HIS ENTIRE LIFE NOW!! But im NOT having much luck with that!! This last dr talked about possibly doing the ACE surgery, i believe its called, where they go in and make a small stoma out of the appendix, and then he would get daily enemas through the stoma, rather than having them given through his rectum, and i honestly think that this is something that he DESPERATLY NEEDS TO HAVE DONE!! But this dr told me that he doesnt think that my son is at that point yet, of needing to have that done!! So him SUFFERING WITH THIS FOR 10YRS NOW, ISNT LONG ENOUGH?? WHEN DOES A CHILD GET TO THE POINT OF NEEDING TO HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT DONE?? Cause, as his momma, i about CANT HANDLE WATCHING HIM EAT ALL THOSE LAXATIVES LIKE CANDY, YET STILL STRUGGLE, LIKE HE DOES, TO BE ABLE TO HAVE A BM!! Can i get your opinion on this please?? TIA!! My email os YYYY@YYYY , and i am looking forward to hearing back from you, regardimg this issue!!