Thanks for contacting with your health concern
1. going by your history of having a cough after eating, it could possibly be a symptom of
GERD [gastroesophageal reflux disease], so take an opinion of Gastroenterologist or medicine specialist who might ask for an investigation like
endoscopy, gastric analysis, till then:
. Do not lie down immediately after food.
. Head high position at night (during sleep)
. Take small nonbulky meals
. Bland and
soft diet, avoid chilies and sour or fatty food.
. Stop irritant drugs (painkillers)
PS. One may consult an
ENT specialist [for quick visual examination of the throat] and for any necessary investigation(s) [if any]
2. If the investigations come normal, even then it could be mild GERD so follow the dietary recommendations and lifestyle changes [if advised] and check with a Chest specialist for Chest X-ray to exclude causes of a
chronic cough like:
. Hb%, WBC for eosinophilia
. X-ray chest for TB, Pneumonia
PS. The choice of antibiotic will vary from doctor to doctor, and from locality to locality.