Hello and thank you for using HCM for your health problems!
Short answer: Yes, but the effects are not immediate!
Detailed answer: What you can do to alleviate her
cough is to expose her in humid air. You can put her in the bathroom with hot water running and the water steam will fill the space providing your baby with moist air. You can also put some tea (green tea, mountain tee, eucalyptus leaves, etc.) in a pot, pour water and let it blow in order for the vapor to be spread in the room. This will ease your baby cough. A spoon with olive oil and little sugar might do as well. Lastly, a spoon of honey can soften her throat and ease her cough. These measures will not make the cough go away like magic, but they will ease it.
Please note that the fact that your baby is coughing means that something is going on with her and the body reacts to the problem by giving you a warning sign: cough! Therefore, what you need to do is not to try to stop her cough but try to find the problem causing it. In many cases body signs help us detect the problem (pain, cough, temperature, etc.), treat it and help recover.
Since you are not giving us any details about the situation of your baby, I would suggest to measure her body temperature and if it is above 38.5-39 celsius degrees, than an antibiotic should be considered. It could also be related to some kind of
allergy. In any case, do consult again with your doctor in order to find the cause of cough.
I hope my answer was useful to your baby and I wish you good luck!