I have had chronic insomnia my whole life. I am 55, a little overweight (10#), but in overall good health. I have tried EVERYTHING. Exercise, food, reading, natural and organic remedies, OTC medicine and nothing works. My therapist prescribed Restoril, but I only fall asleep to awake 2 hours later. Yesterday he prescribed 3 pills Halcion .25 milligrams x 2 at bedtime. I was asleep in 5 minutes and stayed asleep for 6 hours. My question is: can I ask him to change to Halcion x 1 milligram every night? I love my doctor but would like a second opinion ARE YOU KIDDING ME? NEVER MIND!! I didn t know this was a pay for questions site. It figures. Just forget it!! You doctors are all the same. God forbid you answer a question without getting paid! No wonder this country is in a Health Insurance crisis!